Last year's pattern, Sheridan, benefited from an additional year of experience with reading and writing patterns; also my realization that I could write the pattern on my iPhone, if I was on the go. I got some pretty great pictures of this one with my mom! Below is my favorite action shot:
This year I had a new benefit; I had made not one, not two, but three prototypes before making one for Mothers' Day. The first was fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants and didn't warrant notes. I tried again, months later, making a simple change, and found it to be so much easier. In fact, this is the Mothers' Day shawl that gave the testers the least grief, which I take as a good sign. Another change--this year I'm offering it for free! Here we are, on my parents' roof, enjoying our (not exactly) matching shawls:
Yep! Year 3 of this tradition brings you Martinmas Shawl, a free Ravelry download--enjoy!