Yesterday my friend Grace & I went through boxes of yarn for our booth (mostly hers, but I'm helping!) and we had a great time sorting, scheming, squealing, and sighing. I fully admit that the Art Yarns evoked involuntary yelps and giggles from my lips.
Upon sorting, we had to decide which yarns to create into samples, and what we could knit up (and design!) in two weeks out of this:
Over the next two weeks I'll be posting my progress and linking to the new designs as I finish them! Because of the time constraint, the photos will be not-too-fancy, but hopefully good enough to give you the idea of what they would look like, knit up! Then, after VKL, I'll bribe my trusty photographer to get some real, publish-worthy photos, now that she's spoiled me with what those actually look like!
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